Sunday, October 17, 2010

Running on Fog ...

Old house but modern beachy like …..

It was another one of those nights that I am not sure exactly why or how but here I was in this room and looking for something. I noticed a few huge Tupperware tubs in the room and some ppl in the room.
At the same time I noticed them, they noticed me and that was just as I saw them with a body behind a wall box (electrical floor to ceiling) and he was very dead pushed in there.
The next thing I seem to recall is my lifeless body propped against a bed frame and trying to take last minute pictures of the room; to see what they were hiding. I told myself I am determined to not die here like this but whatever they gave me was strong and it was meant to allow you to drift into sleep and then they were planning on stuffing me into a freezer they had in the corner.
The woman’s voice in the room was not someone I knew but there was definitely some sense of urgency to her because she kept telling some burly, topless man to just hoist her into the freezer. He didn’t want to and his argument was we’ll deal with it later as the doorbell rang.
Here is where it changes slightly; as I said, it was a beachy house feel and then suddenly it was inundated with a frat/sorority clan coming in and out. Said male who defended me hoisted me, and when I say I was lifeless, imagine a strong sleeping pill knocking you right on your ass and your helpless to defend yourself; he placed me in the living room that no one had come into and propped me up against the sofa.
An elder came in just a bit later and they asked about me “Oh she is just sleeping, rough day”. I could hear all this, the rich, whiney jet black haired oriental girl continually complaining, two of the girls were bickering among themselves, the hostile tension between some of the men in the room. It was like being in a room and sucking up all their negative energy and not being able to tell them to shove it.
In that unmonitored state of awareness I was starting to come around again; ever so slightly. A few twitches here, a head move there and then that is when I heard them, Lori and Meagen.
“Hey Vick, you alright” Lori asked in her usual concerned tone with a pep inflection.
“She’s sleeping” the same burly man answered again for me. Another female came over to him and told him I was waking up again and the dose must have been wrong and redose her. Somehow, I had a napkin in my hand and curled it up (like a snot rag).
I saw him pull a bottle out of his board shorts and twist the cap off. He shook out a few white cylindrical pills onto his giant palms. He picked on up and under her watch; he opened my mouth and dropped it inside. I also, somehow, now had gum in my mouth, which apparently I was chewing.
The black haired woman grabbed my head and forced it up to face her and then massaged my throat to force me to swallow. I tried to hold the pill between the gum and the back of my gums as the involuntary swallow was being forced. She did it again and I tried to again hold the pill while mustering up all the energy I could to just fake a big swallow.
The pill that was hidden did not taste horrible in my mouth but it stayed secure through all of this and she seemed satisfied that my already limp body had swallowed it.
He hoisted me up again and laid me behind the sofa onto some pull out bed.
The man and woman were arguing and I was desperately trying to avoid the effects of this pill slowly dissolving in my mouth; the same feeling was starting to come; the heavy limbs, the clouded thoughts, the drifting.
When I thought they weren’t looking; I quickly led the tissue to my mouth and wiped the pill into the tissue and let my hand just fall across my body, hoping it was enough of a spastic movement that would shoo it off as sleep to anyone who may have seen.
It must have worked because I laid there, unnoticed, on this bed, trying to fight off the pill and trying to figure out the next move. The room was so alive with such negative noise and knowing that my fate was slowly being sealed the longer I lay there; I had to do something.  I took a few deep breaths and found strength and courage.
“Enough” I screamed out as I sat up shakily. All eyes turned to the sleeping zombie that rose from behind the couch.
“Lori, Meagen” I stumbled down from the sofa and looked anxiously around the room. My goal was to find them and get the hell out of this beach house. The first person I saw was snobby rich girl.
“You are absolutely spoiled and self-centered with too much money and not enough morals” I turned to the two bickering over who knows what “and you two are just ridiculous”! I kept spouting things as faces, male and female, came into view; it went on as I was frantically trying to get out of that boxed in room and then I turned and saw him, the burly one that never had a face. I only ever saw as high as his neck, he must have been massive “and you” was the only thing I could come up with.
I was down the hallway and out the door and in the dimming sunlight standing in a gravel lot. The sun was slowly coming below the horizon and nothing was familiar; no sense of direction telling me how to proceed. All of it seemed out of place until I saw the gas station a few yards away.
In a sudden wash of time I was at her driver’s door; the little blonde pixie with short curly hair and a made up face looked surprised as she stood on the passenger side of her black, shiny VW.
“You have to help me, we have to get out of here” and I got into the car instinctively; she had two male passengers in the back seat, both about our age which appeared to be college aged. One boy was lanky and shorter, the other was a bit more filled out but neither appeared to be “warrior like”.
Noise rose from around the building as a mass of screaming, angry humans came barreling toward the car.
“You have to get us out of here” I yelled again.
“You got in the driver’s side, I can’t get to it, and there isn’t time”! The only thing I can remember was thinking that I was still groggy from whatever meds they tried to kill me with but the image of that white container that was going in a freezer flashed before my eyes and I turned over the engine and floored the gas pedal in reverse.
Funny thing about dreams, nothing moves as fast as you want, and certainly not a VW. As I whipped backwards; I barely made it out of arms reach of one crazy-eyed male who reached the hood of the car. My window was down and I could feel the lust of murder erupting from the mass and unable to truly see the traffic; said a quick prayer and just pulled out onto the lane.
I heard horns blaring but I never looked back and never took my foot off the gas pedal. People just appeared from the roadside in small gaggles and tried to stop the car. The surroundings became familiar because it began to remind me of the shore at Sea Isle City.
The angry mob was persistent and as one kid jumped in front of the car, I couldn’t avoid him and ran him over; his severed arm was the only thing I could see in my rear view. Nothing at that moment made sense; I was in a car with strangers whom didn’t mind helping. I was being chased for unknown reason and I kept weaving in and out of two lane roads going eternally straight.
“ They went to get their cars, now we really have a battle, these kids all drive BMW’s and fast engine cars” the shorter of the two piped up. I can’t remember his name but it was a “B” name so we’ll call Bryan.
“Of course, and I am in a VW” I groaned but pushed on. What the heck was I being chased for was still a mystery. I again had a flash of the girl, moving a wall where a dead man was stuffed behind an electric box thing and all you could see was his ashen colored head. I saw her push something and said to myself to remember but as I drove this car in a fog; I still hadn’t a clue as to what I was looking at.
Headlights in my rearview snapped me out of the daydream and now into a freshly made nightmare. His car was barreling down at me, fast. I had that pedal to the floor and this car wouldn’t go any faster. A second set of headlights was coming up fast behind him and now it was really a death match.
I raced around a car and it honked loudly at my close call. I am not sure if it was the dope that fueled the lack of impending doom or the adrenaline that fueled the inability to care because as I swung back into the lane; so did the tailgaters. Up ahead I saw a big rig barreling in the other direction and I was still trying to get around them to shake off these crazies. I shot at him head on and pulled to the left but there was another lane of traffic too close to avoid; his horned blared through the night air. I swerved back and then another truck was coming on his heels and somehow I managed to sweep between the two of them unharmed.
“They just engaged the deactivation mechanism” the female passenger let me know.
“The” I asked her, absolutely confused. On the dashboard screen was a picture of our passenger “Bryan” and a missile head looking thing (conical at the base but pointy at its head). It was slowly losing bits of it; like deleting data.
“We have to dump the fluid or he dies” and the hatch opens up on the rear of the VW. “Bryan” and mystery guest number two open this hatch in the floor and turn this pre-placed pail over on itself and a liquid comes pouring out onto the street.
Another loophole … I was suddenly propelled back to whomever was manning the DNA locator and “it” was watching through a monitor but it also looked like the image was being fed via binoculars because the image was in two circles and I was watching the two guys dump the DNA liquid data thingies right into the street.
I then was transported back to the car and in time to hear her say “They called off the DNA kill and the cars are pulling back” and sure enough, when I looked up, they were indeed, pulling back ….

I awoke to the morning sunshine in our bedroom on a very real crisp morning ….

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