Sunday, June 5, 2011

Remnants of Subconscious

I was in a parking garage, the same one I end up in from time to time but never the same dream sequence. I saw myself going into the industrial room, a glass enclosure. My hand came around as a brunette with short curly (shoulder length) hair trailed behind me; I opened the hatch lock of a door and water poured in.

I was mildly aware that the water harbored a shark. Soon after, in clips of memory, I stabbed her.

I suppose I thought I would get away with it, but the "IT" I was not aware of yet. I ended up back with my husband at a place I cannot recall. The police came in shortly thereafter and as it slowly came to recollection, she was being blamed for murdering a woman. I allowed her, initially to take the blame. I didn't realize that I was the one that was actually guilty, my mind hadn't worked that into the dream.

I was talking with my husband and he was telling me that they would likely lock her up. They would likely rule out that she was angry enough to actually pull this off. I would not see her again. The suddenness of the things he was saying brought some sense into this blur and I cried out "I did it".

My husband looked at me with such disgust and concern.

The next scene turned into a Jag hearing. I was in the service still, apparently. I remember coming across the quarter deck, my hair unpinned and realizing this, suddenly wanted it pinned up. Someone unseen, told me it was fine.

My husband was given the duty of running the interrogation. Two of my girlfriends were there, weirdly enough. Meagen sat across from me, her hair piled atop her head, choked out something inaudible but it translated to charges I would face. Lori, to my right, was shocked and had tears of disbelief staining her cheeks.

I had to take the knife and show them how I stabbed the woman. Somewhere in the "instant replay", I saw myself doing the deed again after I opened the flood gates of water that unleashed the shark from its watery grave. I saw the knife sear into flesh but it was more goo and blubber and unlike flesh.

As the trial in the dim lit room continued, I looked over to Lori and whispered an acknowledgement that I barely had come to realize only moments before "this is just a dream". I spoke again to her, "Lori, this is only a dream" and her face relaxed.

The realness of the dream relaxed overall as the declaration left my lips. I cannot explain how or why I would have that knowledge but somewhere in the depths of locked spaces, the area filled with light and removed the guilt of how I came to do such things or why I would even consider such darkness.

The next scene changed and I was in my backyard, staring up at the sky, watching planes fly over our house. I remember being unnerved as they looped around and flew upside down; they continued to come in constant succession. I believe the planes were continuing their flights to monitor whatever the outcome were to be of my trial, unknown to me?

I awoke shortly thereafter .. as a green plane that was like a helicopter turned off its propeller and fell from the sky. When it looked as if it were going to crash into fuel laden flames of hell, it turned upside down and kicked on its propeller and soared into the sky, high above my house.

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