Monday, November 19, 2012

You're walking ....

I was in the room with mom and Sean and cousin Mike. The room wasn't the same as it is in present day reality but it was a hospital room none the same.

Mom got up and walked out of the room and I was so flabbergasted that I kept bugging the guys about it, "Why is mom up? Why is mom walking? Didn't you just see her walk out?"

They both looked at me and were like, "yeah, so, and" - I am sure it was a bit different but that is how I remember their body language.

I walked to the door and as I opened it to go see where mom went, she was walking back through it. I asked her how or why she was walking and she said something, of which I can't recall, but she looked at me like I just grew a third head and had lost my mind.

It was so brief a dream segment but it stuck with me long enough .... with mom, for real in a hospital, walking not even an option, I think I just wanted it bad enough for her that I had to dream about it.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Parents Nightmare

Perhaps it is the angst over work, perhaps it is the constant fear in the back of my mind that in a "tomorrow" the world and freedoms as we know it will end -

Last night was another bad one - a fear and pain -

The images have fuzzed over but the message was clear :

All was well, it was me and my daughter, we were having a lovely day playing together in some strange place I'd never been. We'd discovered a hidden alcove underneath a board walk. As the day went on, we seemed just fine then suddenly a group of men appeared. They appeared in mass as a matter of fact after we were coming back outside from lunch. They took us all hostage and threatened to kill us if we didn't obey, there was a large group of us now hostage.

I remember 4 of us, my daughter and I and another mother and her child breaking left, heading to the board walk to the safety in the confines of the alcove we'd discovered. I remembered they chased us. Strangely, I was far from the area, a spectator observing 4 running figures but I knew the two in front were myself and my child. I could hear us screaming as we ran, forcing us to move faster, each to go forward, to head for secret shelter.

I could see an attacker closing distance although we dared not look back. At once the boards above gave way and they grabbed a head of blonde ponytail - the other little girl. I felt torn as I watched them pull her through, like I should go on but I knew our cover would be blown and somehow we ended up with them.

A man had made a deal with them, and then it left just us two. I feared for what they planned to do to me and my child. I remember the man taking my foot and placing it on a table, he then picked up a bat - I imagined in my head the pain as I looked down at my foot - I felt the fear even as I slept.
Something must have shifted because he leaned close to me and said "You may want to hold onto this" and handed me the bat. I grabbed my child and we headed to another place, another room, we were being placed on a boat but it was not large. It reminded me of a paddle boat. An over-sized canoe too.

I remember as we were trying to board this thing, my daughter ran to grab a ring for me. I am not sure why but she turned to look at me and it was her perfect face and perfect hair that I see everyday in the living state - she looked angelic and I couldn't bear to let anything happen to her.

We boarded and I took my place in the boat, at first behind her then near her and afraid of my size to tip the boat - it was the first time in my dream that I observed my body size - I never have.

It felt like we had a plan and as they prepared to launch, I had to look at another ring in a bin and the one she gave me no longer there. I remember the look of pain on her face - the ring was gone that she chose. I found though, after a few, a pink butterfly and it fit on 2 of my fingers together, it seemed to soothe a small bit of her disappointment.

A man came to the release door - which was a screen door of sorts - he was wounded. HE handed over something to someone at the gate - I asked what had happened, my fear gripping and thickening my throat - he looked at me and said what do you think - he was missing part of his right arm - the whole of his right arm actually - it had been chopped off by the group that had taken us hostage.

He ran off then, he and a group of people, one had a baby in a carrier sack on his back - I could hear voices taking up behind them as they tried with great effort to escape - we were about to shove off into an open sea face when I awoke -

I was confused and frightened and so glad when I heard my daughter holler from downstairs about the dog who was likely trying to eat her breakfast as she sat on the sofa - I kissed her when I came down, the fear still thick in my throat. I had to feel her warm flesh under my lips so that I could remind myself that she was indeed okay and no one had taken us both away .....

Monday, January 2, 2012


I was in a car with my son. We were either hit by another car or hit a patch of slick ground that sent us careening out of control. I saw the lake coming and knew what was going to happen; we were going to be submerged!
"Relax when we go into the water, I know it will be hard", I hurriedly told my son. As soon as we hit the water, it felt unreal but before panic could set in, he was out and swimming to the left to safety. I was not far behind him.

Later in the dream, I was dreaming (again) and a sudden sensation of an unwanted spirit entered. I recalled the advice of a friend that by calling to Archangel Michael three times to come and guide the spirit away; he will come to my side and help me. I knew this consciously as well but in my dream, I called out for either St. Michael or St. Anthony (unsure) 3x to come and help me with the heavy presence.

On the third call, the halls echoed with a growl from the unseen force. It spooked me to the core. The house shook and the voice seemed so cold and angry. I called out again for this spirit to be guided away and again the same anger shouted out in an invisible recoil. The spirit did eventually leave and I can't recall much more but to date, that has yet to happen.

Shortly after this dream, as I was slowly coming awake, a heaviness did come into the living room and I didn't wait for it to "Be Complete". I called on St. Michael to come and carry away the unwanted guest and on the third call, thankfully, there was no growling!