Sunday, November 6, 2011


It isn't often but it is sometimes and it is always disturbing ......

*We're Going to Kill You*

It was dark, it felt like twilight somewhat. I had gotten out of my car for something, it was an unknown reason. When I came out of the wooded area there was a man standing at the end of the dusty pathway. I saw him almost immediately. He was younger, shaved or very short haircut, holding something long in his hand.

I looked beyond him and saw him another two or three fella's. It all felt very unsafe. I turned to go get my car and it was gone. Another man appeared. "Where is my car"? I asked the guy as I tried to go around him. I had left it running; I was still unsure why I had gotten out of the car to begin with. As I rounded the pathway, I saw that my car was hood first into the lake or some body of water.

I turned around and the next image I see is me on the ground looking up at the guy with the long thing in his hand. He had on a grey sweatshirt and the darkness behind him was only slightly illuminated by the last of either sunlight or moonlight behind a passing cloud.

"We're going to kill you", his voice echoed in my head. I had hoped all his mob of men was going to do was rape me at best, at worst. The five words weren't processing at first but I can tell you, it was fear. Fear was welling inside me. Fear kept me pinned to the ground. I never screamed when that first hit came.

In my real life, I felt my body shift and shut off. It was like a disconnect because my dream self never felt the hits that came bashing down on my flesh, repeatedly in anger. I never tried to stop him. I realized at one point that I had a cellphone. I hoped and remembered in my head that if I dialed 911 and left it upside down in the brush next to me then the police would know I at least died, I at least had attackers.

I kept fumbling with my phone in my right hand. The attacker never noticed. I distinctly recall trying  to hit the phone button on my touch-phone and hide the light. The hits kept coming.

Someone in the darkness yelled "who called them"? and I tried to look beyond the attacker. I saw two more cars pull up and the night illuminate with headlights. The police arrived and before I even dialed 911. I don't  remember any more hits pulsate against my flesh, instead, I tried calling for help, hoarsely and repeatedly.
I called and called until I think I finally woke up.

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