Sunday, November 6, 2011


It isn't often but it is sometimes and it is always disturbing ......

*We're Going to Kill You*

It was dark, it felt like twilight somewhat. I had gotten out of my car for something, it was an unknown reason. When I came out of the wooded area there was a man standing at the end of the dusty pathway. I saw him almost immediately. He was younger, shaved or very short haircut, holding something long in his hand.

I looked beyond him and saw him another two or three fella's. It all felt very unsafe. I turned to go get my car and it was gone. Another man appeared. "Where is my car"? I asked the guy as I tried to go around him. I had left it running; I was still unsure why I had gotten out of the car to begin with. As I rounded the pathway, I saw that my car was hood first into the lake or some body of water.

I turned around and the next image I see is me on the ground looking up at the guy with the long thing in his hand. He had on a grey sweatshirt and the darkness behind him was only slightly illuminated by the last of either sunlight or moonlight behind a passing cloud.

"We're going to kill you", his voice echoed in my head. I had hoped all his mob of men was going to do was rape me at best, at worst. The five words weren't processing at first but I can tell you, it was fear. Fear was welling inside me. Fear kept me pinned to the ground. I never screamed when that first hit came.

In my real life, I felt my body shift and shut off. It was like a disconnect because my dream self never felt the hits that came bashing down on my flesh, repeatedly in anger. I never tried to stop him. I realized at one point that I had a cellphone. I hoped and remembered in my head that if I dialed 911 and left it upside down in the brush next to me then the police would know I at least died, I at least had attackers.

I kept fumbling with my phone in my right hand. The attacker never noticed. I distinctly recall trying  to hit the phone button on my touch-phone and hide the light. The hits kept coming.

Someone in the darkness yelled "who called them"? and I tried to look beyond the attacker. I saw two more cars pull up and the night illuminate with headlights. The police arrived and before I even dialed 911. I don't  remember any more hits pulsate against my flesh, instead, I tried calling for help, hoarsely and repeatedly.
I called and called until I think I finally woke up.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Falling into Oblivion ... Almost

I am  not going to dither on details that have been a few weeks removed and even as fresh as 24 hours passed. I am merely going to lay it here in evidence that twice now, I have dreamt of a portal appearing in my dream.

The first time it appeared it was behind a picture. A group of us were aware of its presence and moved the picture from its place on the wall. I remember thinking of the excitement of finally going "down the rabbit hole" and wondered what awaited on the other side.

For another reason, we put the trip off for the moment and replaced the painting over the hole, saving it for another time.

Then again last evening, no time frame given, I am unsure of how long the dream lasted.

I was packing an over the shoulder sling bag with a change of clothing for I knew that to have an extra set of clothing would be a welcomed and wise idea. Someone with whom I spoke also thought that a good idea. I absolutely remember thinking that the bag would be rematerialized wherever I ended up.

*note: I am currently involved in the 4th book in the Gunslinger Series by Steven King and this may lend to the sudden appearance of "port holes" in my dreams. What it doesn't account for is the child-like hysteria of elation that accompanies the knowledge that to pass through these portals as I dream will forever change how I dream. Maybe that is why I have yet to pass through one "consciously".*

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vicodin Dreams

I was sitting in a four door car, kind of beat up. I was waiting for someone to call my name and I was suppose to get out of the car to cross the lot. The sun was shining warmly in the sky. My son was nearby, sitting in the car next to me. I looked out the passenger door window and saw my Aunt Linda and Uncle Chuck. I remember thinking how strange this is, that they are here. That was a long flight for them to come to where we live, why would they even fly that far?

I look at my son, "They didn't call my name"? He looks at me in response, "I told you to slow down" echoes in my ears as the words come from his mouth.

"Am I dead", I ask him?

"Yes", you died" was his response, dead, flat, parent-like. And then I seem to follow a path with he and my husband and my daughter. I am looking at the top of the X we drive. "I need to know how it happened", I keep saying to myself silently. I follow the car longer, the same color, the same shape, the same car as real-life.

My husband puts his hand on the roof and the car bends funny, like it sinks into itself (Matrix) and he speaks without my ever seeing him, "You were turning here, too fast". I look at the green pastured corner that bent with the road.

"Did it flip"? words fall into nothing but silent air. I never got an answer but then I am very much alive again and driving in the car with them. We were headed somewhere, I cannot recall the rest but it went on for awhile.

LATER after I awake to go to the restroom......

I am in the same hospital that I always encounter in my dream. Maybe not the same, same but the one that most often appears in my slumber. It has 19 floors, a huge glass entryway, too many corners to turn and too many doors to go through. If I go through the wrong door I end up in a mall of sorts then I have to back track and find the right door again to go back into the surgical suites. It was nearing the end of the day and I was was suppose to leave.

I wasn't dressed any longer in my work clothing but street clothes. I stumble into an operating room where friends of mine were. They needed a hand. There was an infant on this cold slabby thing that was round on the top and he was balanced on it. Someone in the room looked at me and handed me a plastic wrap, draped it across my arms.

"Are you ready for him", he asked me with an authoritative but inquisitive tone, "Don't drop him when I hand him to you". Instantly, he was handing this 6-8 month old to me and I nearly dropped him. It was like my arms just gave out. His head dove down first then his feet, someone caught him and I nearly dropped him a second time.

I collapsed to the floor on my derriere, trying to cradle the child as the OR staff readied itself. I kept repeating to myself that my hands don't work so well anymore. This little bundle of happiness seemed to age in my hands from a newborn swaddled with the residue of his mother's womb to a smiling, toothed blue-eyed boy with a short hair cut.

Brian had come in and took the boy from me but not before I had held his fingers and cooed at him. He smiled an angelic grin in my face and reached his hands to mine, then reached a hand and grabbed my face. I cooed some more and thought about how wonderful this must look from a far, how much I loved this child I'd never met.

I left the room after I handed the child over, trying to get to the elevator was another story entirely. I must have waited for that elevator for an eternity. It was on permanent "Going Up". I got into the elevator with faces I didn't recognize and I guess was suppose to hit 4 or 6, maybe 8 or 9 but I never did. The last time I looked at the elevator, I'd realized it had passed whatever floor I had wanted to get off on and it was headed, a long way up, to the 19th floor.

I got off in the middle somewhere, I didn't want to go to the 19th floor. A man and woman had gotten off ahead of me on whichever floor we were on and held the elevator going to the floor we needed. I thanked them and climbed into whatever I was driving. It was night now. I was going on a straight away in a busy city, reminded me of the city lights of NYC or Tokyo that depict, hustle and bustle but with a suburbia flair because there were shops. I see an ambulance in my rear view mirror and know I need to move out of the way but I was making a left hand turn up ahead.

Suddenly and silver sports car darts across the traffic, hits another car and flies through the air. It hurls itself backward and I covered my eyes from the bright sparks that were flying. In the midst of this, I recall, I must have been on the phone with Sean except there was no phone in my hand. We were talking though. As the vehicle careened past me, I hear him say "I just got hit". He was in the flow of traffic in the opposite direction and that car heralded itself into his that was stuck on the road (reason unknown).

"I'm okay but you should call Crissy because you need a copy of the front page of the Newspaper", his voice spoke.

"Why", I asked him, obviously dazed and confused.

"Because they captured your car in the same shot when this car hit mine" and that was the last thing I remembered.

LATER, Again.....

Bits and pieces but I was sitting in the pediatrician's office and she had my son's chart. She was flipping through it and she told me that they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. I remember asking her was it because of his history of rhabdomyolysis? She answered yes.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Moments Beam of Glitter Gleams in Crimson Beads ...

For there were just  a moment when sanity crested the brink of acceptable and he had lost his restraint. The blood lay in small pools slowly growing in larger size. The breath and life leaving in gasping breaths of shock and surprise. He walks as if nothing had occurred; I stared in disbelief for to say but a word would surely guarantee the same fate on my behalf.

The doors opened as the dusky evening blanketed the world outside the threshold. He glanced back one last time and reluctantly I followed with knowledge and pain freshly etched into my spinning mind. My mute discussion of this lifeless body was spoken in that last glance. I passed the warmth of death that lay in dark haired tendrils refraining from looking at her eyes one last time. If I chose to do so, my silence may not be upheld.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Remnants of Subconscious

I was in a parking garage, the same one I end up in from time to time but never the same dream sequence. I saw myself going into the industrial room, a glass enclosure. My hand came around as a brunette with short curly (shoulder length) hair trailed behind me; I opened the hatch lock of a door and water poured in.

I was mildly aware that the water harbored a shark. Soon after, in clips of memory, I stabbed her.

I suppose I thought I would get away with it, but the "IT" I was not aware of yet. I ended up back with my husband at a place I cannot recall. The police came in shortly thereafter and as it slowly came to recollection, she was being blamed for murdering a woman. I allowed her, initially to take the blame. I didn't realize that I was the one that was actually guilty, my mind hadn't worked that into the dream.

I was talking with my husband and he was telling me that they would likely lock her up. They would likely rule out that she was angry enough to actually pull this off. I would not see her again. The suddenness of the things he was saying brought some sense into this blur and I cried out "I did it".

My husband looked at me with such disgust and concern.

The next scene turned into a Jag hearing. I was in the service still, apparently. I remember coming across the quarter deck, my hair unpinned and realizing this, suddenly wanted it pinned up. Someone unseen, told me it was fine.

My husband was given the duty of running the interrogation. Two of my girlfriends were there, weirdly enough. Meagen sat across from me, her hair piled atop her head, choked out something inaudible but it translated to charges I would face. Lori, to my right, was shocked and had tears of disbelief staining her cheeks.

I had to take the knife and show them how I stabbed the woman. Somewhere in the "instant replay", I saw myself doing the deed again after I opened the flood gates of water that unleashed the shark from its watery grave. I saw the knife sear into flesh but it was more goo and blubber and unlike flesh.

As the trial in the dim lit room continued, I looked over to Lori and whispered an acknowledgement that I barely had come to realize only moments before "this is just a dream". I spoke again to her, "Lori, this is only a dream" and her face relaxed.

The realness of the dream relaxed overall as the declaration left my lips. I cannot explain how or why I would have that knowledge but somewhere in the depths of locked spaces, the area filled with light and removed the guilt of how I came to do such things or why I would even consider such darkness.

The next scene changed and I was in my backyard, staring up at the sky, watching planes fly over our house. I remember being unnerved as they looped around and flew upside down; they continued to come in constant succession. I believe the planes were continuing their flights to monitor whatever the outcome were to be of my trial, unknown to me?

I awoke shortly thereafter .. as a green plane that was like a helicopter turned off its propeller and fell from the sky. When it looked as if it were going to crash into fuel laden flames of hell, it turned upside down and kicked on its propeller and soared into the sky, high above my house.